All products on this site are for In-Vitro Research, research use only. Products are Not for Human consumption of any kind.

Research Peptides

Prolonged Stimulation of Growth Hormone (GH)

“Prolonged Stimulation of Growth Hormone (GH) and Insulin-Like Growth Factor I Secretion by CJC-1295, a Long-Acting Analog of GH-Releasing Hormone, in Healthy Adults”​1​

  1. 1.
    Teichmice SL, Neale A, Lawrence B, Gagnon C, Castaigne J-P, Frohmice LA. Prolonged Stimulation of Growth Hormone (GH) and Insulin-Like Growth Factor I Secretion by CJC-1295, a Long-Acting Analog of GH-Releasing Hormone, in Healthy Adults. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Published online March 1, 2006:799-805. doi:10.1210/jc.2005-1536


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